Our CORE and CORE Essentials construction specifications have a high level of inclusions that make our homes desirable. From industry leading large windows, to soft close, full extension cabinetry - our inclusions make your home better.
We include items such as;
Our industry works a few ways when it comes to how you receive design. Most builders will have Architectural Technologists to adjust floor plans, then ‘out source’ the rest of the design items. We think that leads to a sub-standard experience and home. We bring multiple disciplines under one roof to have the ability to view design through many lenses.
Our design team includes:
Architect. We’ve brought an Architect in-house whom has years of experience with commercial construction. Having our own Architect means we can come up with designs that only few can conceptualize, much less execute.
Senior Designer. Our Senior Designer stylizes our show homes, and works hand in hand with clients to determine their vision. With years of experience over many industries our Senior Designer is an expert in understanding your vision and finding the best way to materialize it.
Kitchen Designer. We have a Kitchen Designer who is NKBA certified and has expertise crafting cabinetry for your culinary creations. Our Kitchen Designer works closely with the rest of our teams ensuring understanding of you dream home and getting you waht you want.
We use software to guide our internal teams during the design and build process. We believe in taking advantage of technology to move quickly and be more efficient. One of the benefits for our clients is the ability to see your home at it's current stage from the comfort of your couch. Our online home portal includes;
To say we’re detail oriented is a bit of an understatement. We’re detail obsessed. In our industry for most homes, and even highly custom ones, a set of blue prints is typically 10-12 pages long. This leaves lots of room for interpretation by staff and trades. We decided a long time ago to have over 30 pages per home that details things like tile patterns, flooring cut lines, all cabinetry, windows, doors, and more.
We do this to make sure all decisions are captured and easily understood by those tasked with completing the undertaking. It allows us to move faster, and more efficiently to get your home exactly the way you want it.